Monday, August 24, 2009

Be gentle

My name is Cameron and I'm the developer of Timelimes.

I am also very nervous. This must be how engineers feel after constructing a bridge and watching cars drive over it for the first time. Did I remember to tighten those screws? Did I carry the 4 when calculating the load tolerance?

Albeit, if Timelimes crashes, people won't plunge into a river, but still...

I released this site and planned on having a few weeks of private beta to iron out any bugs. One thing led to another and before I knew it I had almost a hundred users in the first twelve hours. I'm heartened by the interest the site has generated, but I'm also slightly embarrassed by some bugs I've discovered in the last 24 hours.

  • If you're using IE6, there is no gap between the title of an event and it's description. I'll fix it tonight.
  • The mobile version is having a few problems and is mostly unusable today.
  • The blurb text on the front page disappears periodically on IE6. Not sure why, other than it's embarrassed to be seen in such a browser.
  • I haven't done any IE8 testing, but (fingers crossed) it shouldn't differ too much from IE7.
I'm mostly relying on the users to report any problems they find (using the contact page) and to have patience.

You may have also noticed there are only five feeds, but the library is clearly set-up to accommodate more (search function, categories etc). These five are just the launch feeds - I'm currently working on an eBay feed (to notify you when you're outbid on items or feedback is left on your account etc), LinkedIn, YouTube and Yahoo Mail. Over time, I plan to add plenty more and eventually set up an API for developers to submit their own feeds.

I've had a few people ask for Hotmail, but to my knowledge, they don't support an open authorization protocol, which means Timelimes would need to store your Hotmail username and password for it to work. We just don't do that - it would be like painting a giant target on our backs for hackers.

At this early stage, I'd really appreciate feedback. We're collecting feedback via Get Satisfaction, but you can also use the contact page or post here.

Many thanks to everyone who has taken the time to join.

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